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At North Shore Technologies, we know the importance of open communication. A form of mutually open, honest, and respectful dialogue will provide the foundation for effectively attaining all of our objectives. With that premise, we will share ideas, goals, and strategies — a common sense, ethical approach that is seldom practiced to its full potential.

We will respect your time and interests. By knowing and understanding your search goals, together we will focus on those career opportunities that make good common sense. We will respect your privacy, your identity will never be revealed to anyone without your expressed consent. The opportunities that we provide to IT Professionals are:

  • Non-exempt W-2 Full-Time Employment
  • Professional Placement Services
  • Independent Consultants 1099

North Shore continuously has opportunities for experienced IT Professionals in the following areas:

  • Project Management
  • Web Design/Development
  • Analysis/Design
  • Systems/Technical Support
  • Application Development
  • Database Design/Administration

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